Sunday, January 27, 2013

Come Together

The older that I get the more it is all about moderation for me. And a little bit of common sense. It is true that the social justice causes are saved for the young to fight, they are much more passionate and good for them. I remember being 20, being filled with idealistic thoughts and being RIGHT..... all the time. So much so that I was willing to sacrifice a relationship with a family member or a neighbor to go deep, and talk politics. I remember how Gary’s conservative father and I would ruin dinner for everyone else with our discussion, bantering, sarcastic remarks and cynicism. I would like to take those moments back now that he is dead and gone but I can’t. I can however search for deeper meaning in middle age. I can listen to my 20 year old and her friends as they discuss the world in which they live in and they start to form their thoughts and opinions more and more everyday. I can look to my liberal mother and the ideas that she still holds dear, a carry over from a different time when love and flowers were all the rage and children were charged with breaking out and challenging the establishments that had made the rules for so many years before. I think most people are crazy now. This kind of feeling makes me feel more lonely than I have ever felt. When I look on my facebook wall, which I do way too often, it seems fueled with extreme thinking and propaganda. Is everyone really so extreme. Now that Roe vs Wade is celebrating its 40th birthday this issue is back in the forefront of papers everyone. It seems still fresh in many peoples thoughts and opinions. And there is no budging anywhere. You are either for abortion all the way through a pregnancy, stay away from my body, how dare you even suggest we take away this right, can’t even talk about this or you are on the other side, life begins the second of conception, no buts about it, we need to illegalize abortion outright throughout the entire country. This way of thinking seems crazy to me. Why can’t we ask women to make this decision in 12 weeks and support her decision, after all aren’t we judgemental enough. It seems reasonable to think that having an abortion when a fetus could probably live outside the womb might be kind of nuts but then again maybe it is just me. And then there are guns. It seems like most opinions are fairly extreme here too. It seems that either you are an ignorant redneck who likes to shoot anyone and anything that moves and needs to have the right to own assault weapons and a part of the constitional forces that rule our country or you are an intellectual snobby nosed liberal who thinks that you should be a vegetarian tree hugger and that all guns should be outlawed. I don’t know,what happened to live and let live. I know people who like to hunt and who own guns but it seems that they probably are not going to need an assault weapon to do this so what’s the deal? Really, what is the deal? Sometimes I think people just like controversy, a good fight. The real beauty with my job is that when things start to heat up in it I can just leave. I am a field clinician and I like to spend most of my time with my patients anyways. Sitting with people who are at the end of life puts all of these extremities in perspective. I watch men who fought for our country and saw battles I could not even imagine shrink before my eyes and what they are so often left with is just a great love of life, of the simple things and of the people around them. When my father in law lay dying for those weeks in the ICU in Boston, I never thought about our battles. I thought about the time he sent me up a check to help us out of some jam we had gotten in to. I thought about the light in his eyes when he held his first granddaughter Sadie beaming with joy. I thought of the way that I called him on 9/11 scared and confused and he did not banter with me, but reassured me, loved me. I’d like to be more loving. I will practice it today. I will make my resolution to not be so consumed with my own bondage of self and to be free from the walls that extremism builds around me, my friendships and my community.


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Anonymous said...

I wish you still blogged regularly. Your blog was one of the ones that helped me to make the decision to homeschool. As a liberal homeschool blogger, I often feel so alone. I'm pro-choice but that doesn't mean I LOVE abortion. Like you, I think in the first 12 weeks it's fine; after about 16 or 20 weeks, totally different. I have no problem with hunting rifles or someone (like our friends) who live in a really remote area of Alaska having guns, but assault weapons with huge magazines--Totally different. I feel like everyone wants to grab a side and then they take it to the extreme. It's really annoying.