Friday, August 29, 2008


Sometimes lately Jonah drives me crazy. Like today for instance, he and the girls and I were walking along the boulevard and he thought it would be a good idea to run toward traffic. When I chased him down and got to him he told me he was not my friend.
Not my friend!
Luckily God made him so beautiful and perfect in every other way. I cant help but forgive him, I cant help but cherish these last few moments of babyhood as I watch his fat feet fade to big boy toes and his chubby cheeks thin out. As I watch his baby language turn in to statements and facts and I grapple with my last child growing up. As he begged to be carried for that last long stretch of the boulevard today I made it a growing mantra to love this moment as it could be the last time he really wants me to do this. In Buddhism challenging people are always seen as opportunities to learn and I have Jonah to thank for many lessons. He has taught me tremendous patience and compassion and forced me to wake up to the present moment. I am so grateful.

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