Sunday, January 27, 2008

Oversleepy snowy morning

Gary and I stayed up too late watching bad TV. We had a few drinks and made a rager (in our house that means a fire in the fireplace that probably breaks some laws somewhere) and talked and talked. It was nice. We had to have the kids to church by 9 this morning so I set the alarm. I hit snooze like a million times and then when I finally got out of bed and looked out the window, low and behold SNOW! and a good amount of it, at least enough to constitute not going to church this morning. Snow day:) We all slept in and then made a nice breakfast and lazed around. The kids were great and it was quiet and sweet. I had signed the kids up for an Ipswich Audubon walk today looking at birds and making a bird feeder and we went back and forth with whether to go. We finally decided it would be a nice idea to get out of the house to the quiet of that sanctuary. It was such a good decision. The kids were all so good and so happy to be bundled up in their snow gear and walking around in quiet peace. Even Jonah was content to walk holding Daddy's hand. Most of the families did not show up so it was just us and one other mom and son and the instructor had remembered Sadie from one of the classes she has taken there. As we were in the middle of the woods looking around for birds a few feet off were three deer quietly walking and eating. They were beautiful and we all just stood there and stared. Later after we made the bird feeders Sadie and Nora and I went outside to hold up sunflower seeds for the birds to come and eat out of our hands. It was so cool to have these little creatures landing on us and eating from us and playing with us. The kids loved it. I loved it. Sadie thought it would be cool to put some seeds in her hair to see if the birds would land on her head and they did! I wish I had gotten a picture of that one. These will have to do.
It was a nice day

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