Friday, March 7, 2008

Making dinner, can smell it downstairs cooking away. The kids are watching some episode of Dora that even Jonah likes. We spent the day out all day long. We went to the FFC sectional rehearsal which was fun and then we went to Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary where the girls ran around with all of their friends and fed the birds and Jonah and I had an opportunity to be alone. Jonah sat on my lap and cuddled in with me and we looked at all of the birds and talked about them. He said things like "that one pretty Mama." and I did things like kiss him on his cute nose and think about the last two years with him.
I remember when they told me that I was going to have a boy in the ultrasound and I cried and cried. I know that I was really supposed to want t a healthy baby and all of that stuff but I really wanted a boy. And I knew I would name him Jonah and I knew that it would be a different kind of thing than the girls.
It has been. What I didn't know is that I would give birth to a boy so similar to my husband in so many ways. What I didn't know is that he would take to music so easily. What I didn't know is that he would be visually impaired and would need me in a different kind of way than the girls do.
One of my favorite quotes is in the sound "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon:
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

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