Friday, March 21, 2008

Questions from Nora

I realize lately that out of all of my children Nora is the most "unschooled" sheerly by default. We tend to focus on Molly because she is a first and a teen, Sadie because she is somewhat of a first in many ways and Jonah because of his vision and his babyness. Meanwhile Nora jumps through life like Tigger entertaining herself for long stretches of time and recently asking the most amazing questions, such as:
1. "Dad, you know how at night time it gets dark and in the day time it gets light again? How does that happen?"
2. In church yesterday "Mom, you know God? Does he ever die?" and then later after I tried to explain about the soul and spirit of God ....... "So if he is in a fire, he still doesn't die?"
3. Today while reading about Egyptians to Sadie "So Mommy, how does the Sphinx stay like that for so many years?"
4. At breakfast yesterday out of the blue "You know how it gets cloudy and then it rains but not always because some times it is cloudy but doesn't rain? How come?"
5. At bedtime..... "Have you ever met God? Have I met God? I think I remember God."
I think she does too.
She spends hours now looking at books and for the child that I was sure would be the child that didn't read forever I think she is starting to decode up there in her room at night.
She also tells the most amazing stories now for hours she just spews all of this amazing imaginative thoughts in to an amazing story.
She makes me believe in unschooling in a more profound way than anything else right now.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Dang, that Kazilar gets around! I got a message, and another friend, and now here he is on yours!
But that's not what I wanted to say.... :)

These are great questions!

I'm amazed all the time, and suspect that I always will be.
It's like we just progress deeper and deeper into unschooling.

Pretty wonderful.