Sunday, March 2, 2008

Peaceful, like heaven on a Sunday

Today was everything I wanted it to be. A good friend of mine who also home schools her daughter is always touting the wonders of sleep and rest. I have never been a good sleeper and frankly I have been one to criticize those who need too much sleep (namely my husband). Recently however I have been trying to work with my two year old son around some of his uh well, not so nice behaviors and it struck me the other day that maybe the little guy just isn't getting enough sleep. Three days ago I laid him down at 6pm and he was glad to go down. That night due to the unusual circumstances of us having nothing to do in the morning he slept until 10. Ah, 16 blissful hours of sleep and that day things seemed to be a little better for him. So in the last couple of nights we have been trying to get him settled somewhere between 6 and 7 and to strive to just let him sleep until he willingly wakes us. This has made a huge difference. Hmm, if this makes a difference for him, well maybe it will make a difference for me too:) So today we all slept in (for me that means getting up at 8am) and went to church in a leisurely fashion and had a very relaxed pace. We even took the infamous Sunday drive through the back shore despite the outrageous gas prices. When Gary got home we read books and watched an entire Paul McCartney concert and at one point I fell asleep and slept so soundly that when I woke up I thought it was morning for sure. Sleep is good. Quiet is bliss. Right now Jonah is with Gary who is singing him Cat Stevens songs to help him fall asleep. Nora is behind me reading an Arthur book (her version of reading doesn't really involve decoding words yet). Sadie is with my mom sewing and Molly is reading in her room where she has been pretty much all day. We have promised the girls Sunday night "Simpsons." Sometime I will write about my family, grief and the Simpsons because in our home they are all strangely connected but for right now I am going to continue on with my book curled up next to Nora.

1 comment:

S said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. :)