Friday, February 22, 2008

Ah, that feeling of the first snow of the year. I remember it really well this year. It came early and it came in with a bang and I thought, "Hooray, we are going to have a real New England winter!" Today it is another snow day and frankly, well I am sick to death of all this crappy snow.
I know, I know, not very positive thinking of me. I have a plan, don't worry. I am not planning to bitch all day long, just a little bit here. I have told Sadie that we are going to go for a walk and we are, just she and I which I am really looking forward to.
Just a little bitching before hand.
I want the sun back.
I want to go to the beach.
I want to go running outside again.
I want to feel the energy I feel in the spring.
Oh and why we are at it, I want to lose the 15 lbs I gained this winter.

I am hoping the walk helps.
Sadie's a good little hiker. It will help to just be with her.
Gary took the night off and is home with us. That will be nice too.
Alright, enough bitching.

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