Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thirteen things my 2 yr old son said this week......

Thirteen Things my 2 year old son said this week............

1. "No, no, no not that one, this one." when talking to his doctor about which ear was bothering him.
2. "Can I have a Cutie Pie instead?" when served up fish for his dinner.
3. "Dr. Silva's just checking me out, she's just helping me feel better." when being examined during his visit.
4. "No, no, no you go away." When being approached while hovering in the corner going poop.
5. "Are we going to go get the cookie now?" At church before communion.
6. "That was good!" after swigging down way more wine than I think was necessary.
7. "I make a heart too!" while watching his sisters make Valentines.
8. "You be mama elephant and I ride on you." yes, lowered my self esteem tremendously and only Jonah could get away with saying that one to me!
9. "That was great!" exclaimed loudly after church song ended during that moment of silence.
10. "I can't see! I can't see!" while taking his glasses off to change his clothes. Kind of sad, yet kind of cute too.
11. "You give me you give me you give me hug again." part of a nightly ritual.
12. "You sit and sing Don't be Shy." Request tonight for bedtime.
13. "You........(fingering pointing directly at her) Be Quiet......." Said after nurse at doctor's office told him he was so cute.

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1 comment:

Christa said...

Cutie pie is my favorite dish.