Saturday, February 16, 2008

Me and Gary

Taken from

1. What is his name? Gary Joseph

2. How long have you been together? 13 years (married 8, together before that for 5)

3. How long did you date? We dated for like a year and then moved in together

4. How old is he? He turned 40 this August 11th

5. Who eats more? He does (much more!)

6. Who said I love you first? He told me he loved me first in a bookstore in Wellesley that I used to work at. I was on a fifteen minute break and it was snowing out and so we went for a little walk. It was the magical kind of snow that happens before Christmas and when we came back in as I was walking back toward the children's section he grabbed on to me and told me he loved me. He was wearing a blue wool hat and I was wearing brown corduroys.

7. Who’s Taller? He is 5'11" and I am 5' 6"

8. Who can sing better? This is an ongoing debate lately but since he is a professional singer and guitar player I guess I'll say him.

9. Who is smarter? He is a musical genius and I am fairly intelligent in many areas.

10. Who does the laundry? We both do.

11. Who pays the bills? I do.

12. Who sleeps on the right side? I do.
13. Who mows the lawn? We both do.

14. Who cooks dinner? I hate to cook so he usually does but he is at work a lot of dinners so we are spoiled and live next to my mother who, yes at the age of 35 still at least twice a week cooks dinner. God bless her soul.

15. Who drives? Both of us although he is much better with getting around than I am.

16. Who is more stubborn? We are both incredibly stubborn.

17. Who kissed who first? He kissed me first on March 13th 1995 as I was walking out of his apartment. We were only friends then and he would usually hug me goodbye. This time he laid one on me and I swear (really I do) I saw stars.

18. Who asked who out first? He said to me a few times that we should hang out. We kind of evolved together. We were friends for many years before we were "together".

19. Who proposed? Gary on Christmas eve 1999. I was in my pajamas and he asked me while we were dancing to "Annie's Song" by John Denver. He cried so hard I thought maybe he didn't want to.

20. Who has more friends? It used to be him but has evolved in to me. I think this happens a lot.

21. Who is more sensitive? I am.

22. Who has more siblings? I do. He is an only child and I have two siblings.

23. Who wears the pants? I do. I wish I didn't and I could lie and say I don't but I do.

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