Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bear in the Blue House

Jonah and I are sick. Jonah goes to play a game or run through the house at his usual speed and intent and turns to me with a look of dread. "I sick, mama.........I sick." He had forgotten again. I am in this haze, have been for a couple of days, not really dying sick but whenever I start to play with my trucks or run around the house I remember. I sick.
Gary took the girls to swimming today and Jonah and I had every intention of cleaning the house. Really we did. But somehow we ended up on the floor of the playroom just holding each other. Sure it probably looked as if I was holding him but I really think he may have been holding me too.
We came upstairs and cuddled under the covers and read stories together. He rubbed my hair like a kitty and meowed at me and let me sleep for a few minutes. That was nice.
We ended up downstairs on the couch in a heap of blankets and he wanted to watch Baby Einstein. I have been watching too much Baby Einstein lately and I don't think it is making him or I more of a genius, if you know what I mean. I talked him in to letting me put on a Bear in the Big Blue House DVD which I had forgotten that we own.
Sadie and Nora came home and immediately cuddled in to watch it too. It used to be Sadie's favorite. When Sadie was three and four we watched it all the time. As the show was ending and bear was singing his goodbye song I got all weepy. Now at first I thought, maybe it's that time of the month or God forbid maybe I'm pregnant. It was neither of those reasons though. It was this realization that we don't watch those little kid shows anymore. We are so focused on our older two children that we just have not gotten around to watching these shows or really doing a lot of the little kid things that Sadie and Molly indulged in all the time. It made me sad for those days when our lives revolved around diaper changes and naps. Now Jonah is almost out of diapers and Nora is 5.
Most days I am very excited for the prospect of older children.
But today Jonah and I are sick and it was nice to revolve our day around naps and diaper changes.

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